Friday, April 01, 2011

Last Testament - Page Wilson

Page Wilson's last general email.
Took a pretty rough fall a bit over 4 months ago, when my knee went out (again), and dropped me on the "step stone" in my front yard.  FYI a step stone is a roughly 2 X 3 foot kinda squared, roughly 10 inch high, flattish piece of granite, where in times past you would pull your buggy up to so the passengers could disembark without taking that long step into the mud! Or something like that. Obviously, my property was something more than a house in days gone past. What type? Haven't a clue, but have heard some juicy rumors. Only the step stone remains. I thought it was actually pretty cool, until the night of the fall. But it will remain right where it is. Never know when another buggy might show up, eh?

So, some things have changed around the home base of our radio/musical Swamp. I broke my left shoulder, sprained something in my back, and still have a left knee that threatens to drop me again if I'm not a really good boy. It hurts to walk and, for the moment, to play the guitar; but that must change as I heal. I have a couple of good doctor friends who are trying to make some things happen, and I'm going to do my best to be a good, patient, patient. Try that without health insurance or money, and you'll have an idea of where I am today. And that's why I'm sending this missive out to you.

As I've talked to some close compadres about the pending hospital/recovery/operations situation, almost everyone said I should let the folks on my mailing list know what was happening, and see if some could help. I fought writing this email to you, because I don't like to ask for help. For me. Helping other folks is second nature in my very unique, blessed position as a singer-songwriter/radio producer/musical performance organizer/whatever. Now I find all that could be in jeopardy, so am going to suck up my pride, and just lay it out there. That's what they told me to do.

Brutal honesty, when you haven't been able to work for four months, things get a little slim. I'm on the verge of losing my house to foreclosure. It's not only where I feed the dog, but also where the Out O' the Blue Radio Revue is produced. Am also barely keeping lights on, and the water running.

If the dog is hurt, the sled don't run. And this dog is hurt right now.  Ideally, I would be able to add a few sponsors to the radio program, and get through this. But folks are scared in this economy. And for the moment, me, too.

So. I write you tonight to just up and ask if you might be able to help.  Our fine radio station doesn't pay me to do the program, but they give me the two hours to spend with you weekly, and play the wonderful music we are so blessed with. So, with this missive, I am hoping you might have a few bucks you might invest in the Swamp, and keeping Page Wilson and his brave crew of volunteers functioning in close to our usual manner, bringing you radio, and live music, and whatever else we can think of.

I don't send you this lightly. These are desperate times here, and I need your help. 'Nuf said. Thank you if you can help, but if you can't, I understand. Times are rough all over. I just don't have anywhere else to turn right now. The banks won't touch me. Heh, heh. The new mailing address is below.

Thank you. Take care.
Sent November 26, 2010

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